RIOT-X is an extension to RIOT which provides the following additional features for Redis Cloud and Redis Software:
Parquet file import
Memcached Replication
Redis Stream Import/Export

RIOT-X can be installed on Linux, macOS, and Windows platforms and can be used as a standalone tool that connects remotely to a Redis database. It is not required to run locally on a Redis server.
Homebrew (macOS & Linux)
brew install redis/tap/riotx
Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add redis
scoop install riotx
Manual Installation (All Platforms)
Download the pre-compiled binary from RIOT-X Releases, uncompress and copy to the desired location.
You can run RIOT-X as a docker image:
docker run riotx/riotx [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]
You can launch RIOT-X with the following command:
This will show usage help, which you can also get by running:
riotx --help
is available on any command:
riotx COMMAND --help
Run the following command to give
Memcached Replication
The memcached-replicate
command reads data from a source Memcached database and writes to a target Memcached database.
riotx memcached-replicate SOURCE TARGET [OPTIONS]
For the full usage, run:
riotx memcached-replicate --help
riotx memcached-replicate --source-tls
Parquet Files
RIOT-X adds support for Parquet files to the file-import
and file-export
riotx file-import s3://riotx/userdata1.parquet --s3-region us-west-1 hset --keyspace user --key id
riotx file-export beers.parquet --parquet-field ounces=DOUBLE abv=DOUBLE id=INT32
Redis Import
The redis-import
command reads data from a Redis database and writes it to another Redis database.
The basic usage is:
riotx redis-import [OPTIONS] [REDIS COMMAND...]
For the full usage, run:
riotx redis-import --help
riotx redis-import --target-uri redis://localhost:6380 --key-pattern 'hash:*' --key-regex 'hash:(?<id>.+)' json.set --keyspace doc --key id --remove
The stats
command analyzes the Redis database and displays keyspace statistics as well as keys that could be problematic during a live replication.
The basic usage is:
riotx stats [OPTIONS]
For the full usage, run:
riotx stats --help
--mem <size>
Memory usage threshold above which a key is considered big
--rate <size>
Write bandwidth above which a key is considered problematic.
riotx stats --mem 3mb --rate 10mb
Stream Export
The stream-export
command enables Redis CDC to a Redis stream.
riotx stream-export SOURCE TARGET [OPTIONS]
For the full usage, run:
riotx stream-export --help
riotx stream-export redis://localhost:6379 redis://localhost:6380 --mode live
redis-cli -p 6380 xread COUNT 3 STREAMS stream:export 0-0
1) 1) "stream:export"
2) 1) 1) "1718645537588-0"
2) 1) "key"
2) "order:4"
3) "time"
4) "1718645537000"
5) "type"
6) "hash"
7) "ttl"
8) "-1"
9) "mem"
10) "136"
11) "value"
12) "{\"order_date\":\"2024-06-13 22:19:35.143797\",\"order_id\":\"4\"}"
Stream Import
The stream-import
command reads data from a stream and writes it to Redis.
The basic usage is:
riotx stream-import STREAM...
For the full usage, run:
riotx stream-import --help
riotx stream-import stream:beers --idle-timeout 1s hset --keyspace beer --key id
Snowflake Import
The snowflake-import
command uses a Snowflake STREAM
object to track changes (CDC) to a table and read them into
a Redis data structure like hash
or json
. The Snowflake STREAM
is created and managed by RIOTX. The user credentials
you provide must have the ability to create a stream in the database and schema specified by the fully qualified object
will be created or replaced -
table will be created or replaced by selecting from the stream. RIOT-X reads data out of this table and imports into Redis. -
- this key will be stored in the destination Redis database and is used to track the stream offset. If RIOT-X fails in the middle of copying data from the stream when restarted it will resume copying data from this offset. Removing this offset key from Redis will result in RIOT-X creating recreating the stream at time "NOW". If--start-from-beginning
option is specified the stream will also include the initial table data plus changes going forward. -
snowflake-import currently only works on tables
The basic usage is:
riotx snowflake-import [OPTIONS] [REDIS COMMAND...]
For the full usage, run:
riotx snowflake-import --help
riotx snowflake-import \
--start-from-beginning # include initial table data \
--jdbc-url "jdbc:snowflake://" \
--jdbc-driver net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver \
--jdbc-username databaseuser \
--jdbc-password databasepassword \
--repeat-every 60s # sleep 60s after each cdc batch import and then repeat \
hset \
--keyspace datatable \
--key data_id # column name to use as id
The command above imports CDC data from the Snowflake table SAMPLE_DATABASE.SAMPLE_SCHEMA.DATA_TABLE
into Redis hashes in the keyspace datatable
If you only need to do a one time import of data from Snowflake you can use the db-import
This command will read all of the rows output from your SQL query and will write them to Redis.
For more information see the db-import command.
riotx db-import \
--jdbc-url "jdbc:snowflake://" \
--jdbc-driver net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver \
--jdbc-username databaseuser \
--jdbc-password databasepassword \
hset \
--keyspace datatable \
--key data_id # column name to use as id
This command performs a one-time import from Snowflake using the db-import
RIOT-X exposes several metrics over a Prometheus endpoint that can be useful for troubleshooting and performance tuning.
Getting Started
The riotx-dist
repository includes a Docker compose configuration that set ups Prometheus and Grafana.
git clone
cd riotx-dist
docker compose up
Prometheus is configured to scrape the host every second.
You can access the Grafana dashboard at localhost:3000.
Now start RIOT-X with the following command:
riotx replicate ... --metrics
This will enable the Prometheus metrics exporter endpoint and will populate the Grafana dashboard.
Use the --metrics*
options to enable and configure metrics:
Enable metrics
Enable JVM and system metrics
Enable command latency metrics. See
Application name tag that will be applied to all metrics
Port that Prometheus HTTP server should listen on (default:
) --metrics-prop=<k=v>
Additional properties to pass to the Prometheus client. See
Below you can find a list of all metrics declared by RIOT-X.

Replication Metrics
Name | Type | Description |
Counter |
Number of bytes replicated (needs memory usage with |
Summary |
Replication end-to-end latency |
Summary |
Replication read latency |
Timer |
Batch writing duration |
Timer |
Item processing duration |
Timer |
Item reading duration |
Timer |
Active jobs |
Counter |
Job launch count |
Gauge |
Gauge reflecting the remaining capacity of the queue |
Gauge |
Gauge reflecting the size (depth) of the queue |
Counter |
Number of keys scanned |
Timer |
Operation execution duration |
Gauge |
Gauge reflecting the chunk size of the reader |
Gauge |
Gauge reflecting the remaining capacity of the queue |
Gauge |
Gauge reflecting the size (depth) of the queue |
JVM Metrics
Use the --metrics-jvm
option to enable the following additional metrics:

Name | Type | Description |
Gauge |
An estimate of the number of buffers in the pool |
Gauge |
An estimate of the memory that the Java virtual machine is using for this buffer pool |
Gauge |
An estimate of the total capacity of the buffers in this pool |
Timer |
Time spent in concurrent phase |
Gauge |
Size of long-lived heap memory pool after reclamation |
Gauge |
Max size of long-lived heap memory pool |
Gauge |
Incremented for an increase in the size of the (young) heap memory pool after one GC to before the next |
Counter |
Count of positive increases in the size of the old generation memory pool before GC to after GC |
Timer |
Time spent in GC pause |
Gauge |
The amount of memory in bytes that is committed for the Java virtual machine to use |
Gauge |
The maximum amount of memory in bytes that can be used for memory management |
Gauge |
The amount of used memory |
Gauge |
The current number of live daemon threads |
Gauge |
The current number of live threads including both daemon and non-daemon threads |
Gauge |
The peak live thread count since the Java virtual machine started or peak was reset |
Counter |
The total number of application threads started in the JVM |
Gauge |
The current number of threads |
Counter |
The "cpu time" used by the Java Virtual Machine process |
Gauge |
The "recent cpu usage" for the Java Virtual Machine process |
Gauge |
Start time of the process since unix epoch. |
Gauge |
The uptime of the Java virtual machine |
Gauge |
The number of processors available to the Java virtual machine |
Gauge |
The "recent cpu usage" of the system the application is running in |
Gauge |
The sum of the number of runnable entities queued to available processors and the number of runnable entities running on the available processors averaged over a period of time |
Best Practices
This section contains best practices and recipes for various RIOT-X use cases.
Replication Performance Tuning
The replicate
command reads from a source Redis database and write to a target Redis database.
Replication Bottleneck
To optimize throughput it is necessary to understand the two main possible scenarios:
- Slow Producer
In this scenario the reader does not read from source as fast as the writer can write to the target. This means the writer is starved and we should look into ways to speed up the reader.
- Slow Consumer
In this scenario the writer can not keep up with the reader and we should look into optimizing writes.
There are two ways to identify which scenario we fall into:
- No-op writer
With the
option the replication process will use a no-op writer instead of a Redis writer. If throughput with dry-run is similar to throughput without then the writer is not the bottleneck. Follow steps below to improve reader throughput. - Reader queue utilization
Using the Grafana dashboard you can monitor reader queue depth. A low queue utilization means the writer can keep up with the reader. A queue utilization close to 100% means writes are slower than reads.
To improve reader performance tweak the options below until you reach optimal throughput.
How many value reader threads to use in parallel (default: 1).
Number of values each reader thread should read in a single pipelined call (default: 50).
Capacity of the reader queue (default: 10000). When the queue is full the threads wait for space to become available. Increase this value if you have peaky traffic on the source database causing fluctuating reader throughput.
Number of Redis connections to the source database (default: 8). Keep in sync with the number of read threads to have a dedicated connection per thread.
To improve writer performance you can tweak the following options:
Number of items written in a single network round-trip to the Redis server (i.e. number of commands in the pipeline).
How many write operations can be performed concurrently (default: 1).
Number of Redis connections to the target database (default: 8). Keep in sync with the number of threads to have a dedicated connection per thread.
System Requirements
Operating System
RIOT-X works on all major operating systems but has been tested at scale on Linux X86 64-bit platforms.
CPU used by RIOT-X varies greatly dependending on specific replication settings and data structures at play.
You can monitor CPU usage with the supplied Grafana dashboard (process_cpu_usage
Memory requirements for RIOT-X itself are very light. Being JVM-based the default initial heap size is dependent on available system memory and on the operating system.
If you have very intensive replication requirements you will need to increase the JVM heap size.
To estimate the worst case scenario for memory requirements you can use this formula: keySize * queueSize
average key size as reported by the
command queueSize
Redis reader queue capacity configured with the
Conversely if you need to minimize memory used by RIOT-X you can lower the reader queue size (but possibly at the expense of reader throughtput).
RIOT-X replication is essentially a network bridge between the source and target Redis databases so underlying network is crucial for the overall throughput and a 10 Gigabit network is the minimum recommended. Network latency will also have an impact on replication (and other RIOT-X uses) performance. Make sure the host running RIOT-X offers minimal latency to both the source and target databases. You can test the latency using the ping command.